Thanks for your article. It's always good to hear some of the " reasons why " that not put out there for all to see.. I also agree with truth seeker that Tucker was constantly stepping on the " 3rd rail ". He often spoke of the unspeakable. Definitely Pfizer or Ukraine were two no's no's

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Apr 28, 2023·edited Apr 28, 2023

Ukraine has been the banana peel on which Tucker continuously slipped.

I can tell you that Tucker Carlson has NO CLUE WHATSOEVER about what Ukraine is, and about what the history of Ukraine is, and about what the war in Ukraine is all about.

The alternative to this proposition would be even more sad - that Tucker studied the relevant history and relevant facts of geo-politics, and that contrary to those facts he spewed lies about Ukraine.

I guess that some either deranged Russophile news/comments writer, or paid by the Russians corrupt piece of pork news/comments writer, wrote ignorant Tucker's monologues about Ukraine and about the war in Ukraine; and I hope that my guess is right. Otherwise I'd have to call Tucker to be an evil liar and propagandist working for an adversary of the US.

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All the average American needs to know is " it's not in our national interest " to be there. The only reason we're there is " the Biden Family Interest "

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"the Biden Family Interest"

Which American family interest was it that forced American boys to go and die in Europe and in the Pacific, in the Second World War ? What alleged business of ours was it to be there in Europe and interfere in the fight between the Germans and the Jews ?

And, which American family interest was it that forced American boys to go and die in Iraq ? What business of ours was it to be there in Iraq ?

And, which American family interest was it that forced the US government and industry to develop trade with and investments in Europe, and this then forced the US goverment to create military security architecture in Europe that is NATO ?

Can your chicken brain comprehend the fact that the trade with and investments in Europe must be protected, otherwise the US economy would fall flat on its face if another World War were to erupt in Europe ? Russia wants to recreate, by brutal force, its former empire in the Eastern Europe. In order to do so Russia would have to invade several NATO member countries. PUTIN SAID SO OPENLY. In case of such scenario the US would have no choice but to defend invaded NATO allies. That would be the beginning of the Third World War.

If you with your chicken brain were the US president then your chicken brain geo-politics would lead to another World War.

Please answer my questions - give me the names of those families.

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Jun 14, 2023·edited Jun 14, 2023

"the Biden Family Interest"

Which American family interest was it that forced American boys to go and die in Europe and in the Pacific, in the Second World War ? What alleged business of ours was it to be there in Europe and interfere in the fight between the Germans and the Jews ?

And, which American family interest was it that forced American boys to go and die in Iraq ? What business of ours was it to be there in Iraq ?

And, which American family interest was it that forced the US government and industry to develop trade with and investments in Europe, and this then forced the US goverment to create military security architecture in Europe that is NATO ?

Can your chicken brain comprehend the fact that the trade with and investments in Europe must be protected, otherwise the US economy would fall flat on its face if another World War were to erupt in Europe ? Russia wants to recreate, by brutal force, its former empire in the Eastern Europe. In order to do so Russia would have to invade several NATO member countries. PUTIN SAID SO OPENLY. In case of such scenario the US would have no choice but to defend invaded NATO allies. That would be the beginning of the Third World War.

If you with your chicken brain were the US president then your chicken brain geo-politics would lead to another World War.

Please answer my questions - give me the names of those families.

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Ukraine is Europe's problem. If it bothers them, they can sort it out. The US has no national interest in intra-Slavic border disputes. This is all the clue that Tucker needs.

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What kind of alleged national interest does the US have in intra-Semitic quarrels and disputes ? Quarrels and disputes between Semitic Israelites and Semitic Arabs.

The US taxpayers lost about 2 trillion dollars fighting wars on behalf of Israel.

And, the US taxpayers lose 6 billion dollars a year, after year, after year, after year.... on the so called assistance to Israel.

Explain to me - what f.... business of ours is it to keep losing American money and lives by meddling in the intra-Semitic quarrels on the other side of the World ?

And, tell me, when did you ever protest against losing American money and lives on supporting Israhell ?

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You talk like a paid Putin's useful i d i o t.

Why do you defend him and his equally criminal government and state ?

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You talk like an idiot. Without use. Why do you support endless wars? Why do you support corruption? Why don't you put your useless idiot self on the front lines, empty out your bank accounts, sell everything you own and donate all of the proceeds to the tranny faggy Nazi Zelenskyy's war effort before your guts and tiny brain matter gets obliterated on the battlefield you want others to suffer the same ending on? Chickensh¡t chickenhawk.

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The Abby Grossmans of this world (a generation of entitled, pampered children who expect everything to come to them without any effort on their part because they were raised getting trophies for Participation) are ruining the country. Baby Boomers raised by those who lived thru WWII were taught you had to work hard and pay dues to get ahead...it not only gave you EXPERIENCE, it built character. Character is something severely lacking in the Abby Grossmans of this world.

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DEI "victim" (Abby)

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this is partial truth....Tucker reporting on who controls the world (hint, rhymes with: "sin a dog of payton") is the real reason....stories on pfizer, jan6, and especially ukraine illegal war that threatened some of their favorite plans

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That talk about God sure does scare the bejesus out of Satanists and demons! Like being splashed with holy water or looking at the sign of the cross, they might spontaneously combust.

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Thanks for adding another angle to the Tucker story. (like it needed anymore. . . hostile work environment lawsuit from a white liberal progressive karen who never met him) I can't begin to understand most of everything macro that is happening right now, but found this little part of your old man murdoch story interesting - his apparent unraveling regarding religion/spirituality.

"A source told the outlet “that stuff freaks Rupert out. He doesn’t like all the spiritual talk.”

"The Vanity Fair story also mentions a dinner Carlson attended in late March with Murdoch and his then fiancée Ann Lesley Smith (Smith, 66, would have been Murdoch’s fifth wife). Tucker was allegedly Smith’s favorite host and once described him as a “messenger from God.” The two apparently discussed religion at the dinner, with Smith at one point pulling out a Bible, leaving Murdoch “freaked out.”

I wondered who is this Ann-Lesley person and found:

"Out on the streets of Marin County, California, Ann-Lesley is now known as Rev. Ann. That’s because she’s a volunteer police chaplain."

"' . . . she was suicidal and in need of spiritual redemption, which she said came when Jesus and prayer brought “new meaning” into her life."

"former San Francisco police chaplain Ann Lesley Smith"

" Vanity Fair reported the breakup, citing one source close to Murdoch as saying he had grown uncomfortable with Smith’s outspoken evangelical views."

So why would this old coot be hanging with a "chaplain" who is outspoken about her faith - other than the obvious reason. He could have easily found another for the same "obvious reason" without the dreaded religious beliefs. For her part, if you read up on her, she is continuing a pattern.

Back in the day when gas was cheaper and kids were told anyone can grow up to be president, I got my daily drama from soap operas. Not anymore, to boring. Nothing comes close to daily reality, sponsored by the deep state, elites, and liberal progressives.

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but can anyone name the jewel?

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Some sources say Old Man Murdoch made the decision to fire Tucker, some say Murdoch, "Jr", (Lachlan) alone made it, and some sources say both made the decision.

I wonder if we will ever know the who, why, and what about Tucker Carlson being fired?

Will Tucker be able to tell his own truth about it all?

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Great Article! Thank you!

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Great dig! Could you investigate this please?

Dominion over US

You can’t make this stuff up. Do they laugh in our faces? Was the name Dominion chosen to prove their dominion?


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If this was based on Tuckers truth and religious opinion then it will be interesting to see how Ingraham and Kayleigh and those who speak in God’s representation will be directed. Ratings for all Prime time and The Five will lose their platform audience. FOX has lost credibility to the righteous followers. God will prevail.

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I was a fan of Tuckers but he had some stubborn blind spots and would ignore facts that challenged his narrative. For example, he opposed the regime change in Iraq and kept repeating that Iraq had no WMDs. He refused to acknowledge that over 5000 were found and destroyed by the CIA. This was discovered by The NY Times through FOIA applications in 2014 before that paper got TDS. Google “WMDs found in Iraq” and a bunch of reports pop up.

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Seems so silly that Tucker could believe the military-industrial complex would lie about finding WMDs in Iraq.

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Tucker denied that Iraq had WMDs. However, 5,000 or so were found and reported on in 2024:


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Thank you for using the Substack platform Para and congrats for the Rantingly nod.

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