Jun 2, 2023·edited Jun 2, 2023

It shows the GOP is as much focused on Corprotocracy as much as the DFL only for different reasons, yet both appear to be in on this project.

Thank you for sharing this info, yet we are not likely to see the protests or media coverage like we say at Standing Rock.

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Uniparty of corruption. Root cause is greed. Always greed.

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Greed for control of the entire planet? Of course humanity and most of life is surplus to requirements!


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Jun 2, 2023·edited Jun 2, 2023

Mr. Price, you are wonderful in every way. Thank you for this, and for every other amazing and good thing you do to inform and fight the right fights. This report is excellent, though it leaves much out (necessarily, I understand). Readers should add Daniel Horowitz' reporting on the matter to yours:

https://www.conservativereview.com/horowitz-landowners-fight-back-against-latest-green-energy-scam-carbon-capture-pipelines-2659401549.html (FEB 10, 2023)


https://www.conservativereview.com/horowitz-red-state-communism-south-dakota-landowners-losing-property-to-carbon-capture-scam-2659940706.html (MAY 2, 2023).

Also, I found your tweets on this to be a bit more powerful, more frank, than the (excellent) write-up here -- and I recommend in addition to. Here's your main thread on the topic: https://twitter.com/greg_price11/status/1663738594287034368 (MAY 30, 2023).

I do wish for this report that you would have reached out to the South Dakota politicians that killed the protective legislation, and to (the overrated corporatist) Governor Noem. They need to be asked about this and about the "climate crisis"; and if they choose not to comment, that is worthy of you reporting to us. Name them all.

Everyone is bought -- it's disgusting, depressing, and demoralizing. "Red" States (except maybe Florida, at the moment) are mythological and aspirational, but not real (as to principled governance). I despise the Republican Party. (I love the State Freedom Caucus movement.) Even the good ones are bad (such as Kim Reynolds).

This cruel carbon capture multi-State boondoggle is just another piece of proof that they are Uniparty trough feeders (and we the citizens are victims of our "representative" governments). The non-politician, non-trough-feeder American Right -- the citizen base that elects Republicans -- has been sold out by Republicans for green-scam money for about 20 years now (not including the ethanol con which began long ago). We (collectively and individually) are losing it all -- losing our Country and blessed way of life -- under their failed stewardship, fake opposition, and fake American values.

EDIT to add the word "State" before "Freedom Caucus movement."

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Is it time yet?

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Past time.

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This highlights the need to take a blowtorch to the GOP.

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The Black Nobs will only get more outrageous if we don't stop them NOW.


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And should the CO2 pipeline rupture as one did in Satartia, Mississippi on February 22, 2020 people, animals and crops can and will die. The results of a CO2 pipeline rupture are extremely bad. Sequestering CO2 may well be one of the most truly epically idiotic ideas humankind has yet come up with.

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Right on- solar winds and flares plus earth’s inclination cause climate change and nothing else

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Jun 2, 2023·edited Jun 2, 2023

This would be a perfect opportunity for the state legislature and governor to invoke nullification. If Left-leaning states can use nullification to create sanctuary laws opposing federal immigration law, then any state can nullify the act of eminent domain advanced by the federal government AND their fascistic partners.

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This is really criminal. What's more criminal is that the good Lord gave us a very natural carbon capture system called plants and trees. Farms grow edible plants that use carbon for fertilizer. So, they are destroying farmland, which naturally captures carbon to build 'carbon capture systems', while destroying mountain ridgelines (trees - also natural carbon capture systems) and other land that grows carbon-eating vegetation to erect wind turbines and solar farms. These 'green energy' companies really could not be more idiotic. And they are the ones who 'follow the science'?

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As soon as they walked in the house uninvited, Boom , Boom, out go the lights.

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Exactly. The only good magazine is an empty one.

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Actually they had that right

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How did they have the right to just walk into someone’s home as they did?

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What is America coming to— this is a sham as solar winds and flares plus earth’s inclination cause climate change and nothing else

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Shut down farms that produce food for citizens. Brilliant plan.. Every lousy decision that is made is geared towards profit. The Ponzi planners do it under the guise of benefits to the community.. We will produce more jobs,revenue for local government..Politicians Ceos are in cahoots with each other .. If you notice it is the same names in power that end up making the decisions... The representatives of these farmers need to put a stop to this.. Not unless they are involved with the Ponzi planners..Endless planning to turn a profit is the game.. Using the court system against citizens that cannot afford lawyers is another tactic.. It is good to see farmers sticking together.. Be bold farmers.. Shout it out.. Freedom of speech.. God Bless

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Also a piece of the cake for the WEF under Klaus Schwab to control the food supply and in turn control the population

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They want us to eat insects.

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This is why we have a 2nd Amendment.

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The first thing that came to mind when I read “they entered the home and said hello” and “returned with a detective”. As long as people keep putting up with this, it’ll continue to happen. It’s long past time.

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What can we do to help? Who are the Republicans who stand with farmers? And Democrats? Sick of Americans who work hard, good citizens, betrayed and sold out.

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It can not be said loudly or often enough: Republicans are in on it. And I'm not just talking about Summit Carbon Solutions.

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Storing "carbon" is like stealing a little kids nose and showing it to them between your fingers. You go to your "carbon bank" and deposit your "carbon" wink wink, nod nod. And you tell everyone you are carbon green because you didn't let any co2, exhale, out into the atmosphere. Exhale into a balloon, takes up a lot of room... Of course these carbon bankers wink wink, nod nod, will use special cutting edge technology to store that horrible exhale underground. I'll bet with their technology, they'll be "able to store all the carbon" of NYC for 1000 yrs in a missile silo. Of course right, I mean we're adults here, they aren't storing anything but space. But it sure sounds good and why do you think gore the bore wanted to convince us of global whatever it's called this minute, he wanted to be a "carbon banker". Buy an acre, dig a deep hole, put a silo in it, fill it in, wa-la You are a carbon banker. When the trucks show up, they hook their hose up and "transfer the nasty invisible carbon" into your silo, wink wink nod nod. You pay the carbon banker a huge bunch of money, he tells everyone, he's storing your invisible stuff. No you know why we have global whatever. People like gore the bore figured all this out and suckered the greenies and then the left into the lie. Now, our planet is dying OMG unless we somehow, sob sob, store carbon, wink wink! Don't forget, without that nasty carbon, we'd die! And don't think about how our earth has been able to survive way worse before we came along and will for a long long time.

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Jun 3, 2023·edited Jun 3, 2023

If you are looking for help, you will not find it from the Uniparty grifters.

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Thank you for your piece. Pressure needs to be put in Kristi Noem and her feckless RINOS, Sen Thune ad Rounds. Kristi initially blocked a bill to preserve girls’ spirts until the sunlight scorched her.

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This story is lacking in facts and substance. Our nation has 25,000 miles of pipelines buried in people's property and nobody's losing their land. In fact you get paid to have a pipeline Cross your Land. Once it's buried you don't even know it's there. That said whoever said in the comments below that this is the stupidest idea to come along well sorry fella you're wrong. If you're selling the pipe if you're installing the pipe this is your bread and butter. it's called crony capitalism and it's destroying our country. Back before crony capitalism became the favorite of the Democrats and sadly sometimes the Republicans CO2 was known as plant food and it still is. Like the rest of us, I'm still waiting for the greenhouse.

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