as a young person myself who is learning from textbooks just like these, this is no surprise to me. i'm pretty politically involved so i know what stuff's biased, but there are tons of people who enter HS apolitical and leave thinking that american history is uniquely evil, the american dream is dead, and climate change is the #1 thread to existence. conservatives need to wake up to what's happening in our classrooms if we want to avoid having a misanthropic generation that hates our country.

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It's a Columbia professor. Anyone really surprised? Deceit is in their blood ....

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Great reporting! But as you know, every page of those textbooks is like that. There is no neutrality possible in education and they know it…

“ when Harvard adopted its motto, Veritas, in 1643, its Puritan founders were referring not to CDC fact checks, but to God’s Truth. Apparently that wasn’t clear enough for some, so by 1650 they changed the motto to In Christi Gloriam (“For the Glory of Christ”).

Did settlers in faraway Ohio a century and a revolution later share Harvard’s, er, “emphasis”? Per McCullough, the driving force behind the Northwest Ordinance’s stance on education – as well as its abolition of slavery – was Manasseh Cutler. To be precise, the Reverend Manasseh Cutler. Here is a typical thought of his, from a sermon he gave in the new territory he had so much to do with establishing:

Such is the present state of things in this country, that we have just ground to hope that religion and learning, the useful and ornamental branches of science, will meet with encouragement, and that they will be extended to the remotest parts of the American empire … Here may the Gospel be preached to the latest period of time; the arts and sciences be planted; the seeds of virtue, happiness, and glory be firmly rooted and grow up to full maturity.

If that passage were ever to be assigned in an Ohio public school today, it would come with a trigger warning. ”

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Just heard about this on The Charlie Kirk show. Good stuff. I hope we can get the word out. However, If you're a Trump hater who suffers from TDS Facts like Trump condemning Neo Nazis and White Nationalist in Charlottesville won't be believed only that narrative that he called them very fine people.

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Uh, Kirk is a neo-nazi. He's ultra-MAGA.

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What is your definition of a Neo-nazi? A conservative that prefers Trump to Biden?

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Great article.

I wonder, how many lies are in books published a decade ago, two decades, three decades?

Unlikely this is the first time this has been done.

How many times has this playbook been run over the past century?

How much of our history do we need to re-learn?

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Impressive! I just found out about this myself a couple of days ago and, like you, was appalled at the dishonesty being passed-off as "historical fact". I rented the ebook (reluctantly since a royalty will be paid) and I already have more refuting notes than the actual text in the book. I suggest we start a petition to have these authors summarily dismissed for malfeasance and/or fired for incompetence. If this is the current state-of-the-art for capturing history for posterity sake, we are doomed. Given the garbage these authors are positing as the "truth", let's just save a lot of time and money and just let the NY Times be the keeper of truth for time and memorial (sarc).

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Not surprising at all, but needs to be challenged in court where likely today it would be allowed.

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They obviously believe themselves the victors:


Or as Hermann Göring said,

“The victor will always be the judge, and the vanquished the accused.”

The books will need to be quickly rewritten when the ultimate victors write history.

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I heard your interview on the Charlie Kirk show. What an abomination these "history books" are, and we know this will only deepen the divide in the US that exists between the mainstream government media, and alternative sources. Home educated and private educated children will no doubt learn US history very differently than those in government schools. This has already occurred in families who watch CNN vs those who watch Newsmax, for example. The CNN watchers have literally no idea what is actually happening as they watch rumors and propaganda. These "education" materials, and may I say AI, are no different. We proudly home educate our kids in TRUTH and will do so, whether it is legal or not. Thank you Greg for all of this amazing hard work and shame on the BS authors of this nonsense.

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Trump did a terrific job and the snot nose useless elites just cant handle it

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None of this is surprising as facts have been replaced by socialist narratives. The normal people have seceded education, sports, entertainment, and government to the radical lefties.

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Apr 22, 2023·edited Apr 22, 2023

At 74, I remember how my father was appalled at what was being taught politically in my English class using propaganda even then, from the communist thinkers in academia, seeping into our fertile minds of mush, as Rush Limbaugh once coined. That was in 1965 and my father, a WWII fighter pilot, knew to counter it on my behalf, teaching me conservative principles into my formidable years, where in 1980 I was able to vote for Ronald Reagan as I watched the beginning of, what William L. Buckley and others began to counter against these history teaching, liberal classroom, intellectual fools! We did succeed to a point, but we must have fallen asleep at the wheel.... Your report on Jesse Waters made me want to cry! It was so shocking! The battle is really spiritual and the church, which was asleep in the 1930's in Germany.... has to wake up now! The hour has gotten late. Prayer and revival and repentance and reliance upon the Lord is the only real answer. Down on our knees!!!

Robert Logan Rogers Author.... Just Google my name...

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We need russia, russia, russia liar clinton and her cult to pay for the replacement texts that display the truth. The ones you described are an abomination and discredit to our America!

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Apr 23, 2023·edited Apr 23, 2023

As an undergrad, I was assigned to verify the sources and facts in an article from a popular health magazine. The sources were usually genuine but the statements attributed to the sources were false and/or misleading. That assignment jump-started my path to question sources that have an ‘agenda’ toward a specific bias and to not believe everything I read as fact.

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Always remember that to the left, 1984 is an instruction manual.

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The left is so biased and so immersed with other biased people that they don’t even realize they’re biased. It’s like a fish not knowing what wet is.

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